The kids with their loot.
Hailey was Snow White, Sophie was a luau girl, Cory was a ninja.
This is Cory's last soccer game in October. He aboslutely loved it this season and got way more into it. He was the biggest kid on his team and one of the taller ones on any team they played, so he ended up scoring at least 2 goals each game. There were a couple of games that he scored more than 7! That's when we had to start reinforcing the idea of passing the ball to his team mates!
Looking for pumpkins at a local pumpkin patch.
Cute pics of the kids! I can't believe you guys are moving to San Diego! What a great place to go! We've just applied to UNC and Univ of Hawaii and are waiting to hear and hoping Mike will get into the Commissioning program so he can finally get his degree! Good luck with all the moving plans- believe me- I know what a hassle that is!!!